Grève/Budget : Près d`une cinquantaine de mairies ferment leurs portes pour 3 jours


La fronde contre le budget gagne les administrations communales. Environ une cinquantaine de cartels de maires ont décidé d`arrêter toute activité jusqu`à mercredi prochain. Alors, espérons qu`ils ont envoyé un avertissement aux mandants leur demandant de rester en vie, car les portes des cimetières seront probablement… closes!

Port-au-Prince, lundi 25 septembre 2017 ((– Encore plus d`eau dans les moulins des anti-budget. Quarante neuf mairies rejoignent le mouvement de grève initiée par les magistrats, a annoncé lundi la mairesse de la commune de l`Arcahaie, Rosemila Petit-Frère Sainvil.

Bien entendu, leur protestation ne vise pas la maigre enveloppe accordée au secteur judiciaire, ni la hausse des taxes et droits de certains services visant les citoyens ordinaires, ni le manque de ressources pour l`université.

Les édiles de la république exigent l`annulation d`une décision de l`exécutif d`outrepasser ses droits et de légiférer dans le document de la loi de finances sur l`impôt locatif (cfpb), une prérogative, selon eux, qui leur a été donnée par la constitution à partir des articles 217 et 218.

Les maires estiment qu`avec la nouvelle décision, ils vont perdre une partie de leur recette, puisque la contribution financière des propriétés bâties (CFPB ou impôt locatif) représente la principale source de revenus des collectivités et des communes de la République  (95% à 97% du financement des collectivités).

En effet, dans le budget 2017-2018, qui entrera en vigueur le 1er octobre prochain, les Hôtels se voient accorder une réduction de 50% et les retraités, 60% de cette taxe, alors que l`état central n`a prévu aucun mécanisme de compensation. De plus, les collectivités ne sont pas émargées dans le budget, car aucun chapitre ne traite de leur financement.

« On n`est pas d`accord avec le budget. Ce sont les maires qui s`occupent des gens et non les députés et sénateurs », s`indigne Madame Petit-Frère qui soutient que le développement doit commencer dans les collectivités.

Parmi ces communes, on retrouve Arcahaie, Anse à Galet, Pointe à Raquette, Terrier Rouge, Trou du Nord, Limbé, Pilate, Fort Liberté, Milot, Caracol, Ste-Suzanne, Petit-Goave, Grand Goave, etc…

Référence : Constitution amendée de 1987


Les Finances de la République sont décentralisées. La gestion est assurée par le Ministère y afférent. L’Exécutif, assisté d’un Conseil interdépartemental élabore la loi qui fixe la portion et la nature des revenus publics attribués aux Collectivités territoriales.


Aucun impôt au profit de l’Etat ne peut être établi que par une loi. Aucune charge, aucune imposition soit départementale, soit municipale, soit de section communale, ne peut être établie qu’avec le consentement de ces collectivités territoriales.


  1. Last Friday we saw a group terrorist in uniforms with heavy Machine guns @ Toussaint Louverture airport to protect Jovenel Moise from Newyork and his supporters but we took a note and pictures to send to us state department to place Haiti between those countries who support Terrorist organizations because Jovenel Moise is a Leader of the terrorist group he armed the Ex-Haitian army to kill Haitian people who protest against him in the street this is a bad signal for the international community and Tonton Marcoute being re-establish again in Haiti Haitian people life in danger due to after Jovenel Moise Created a new terrorist group organizations with all Ex-Haitian and Ex-Tonton Marcoute to watch Haitian people back we have to stand up against his dictatorship our people need to free to express themselves without no fear in the street everywhere they go so anyway we will send a clear signal to Jovenel Moise to leave the power asap before President Donald Trump take action against overnight we can give free one-way airplane ticket we won’t tolerate him to do whatever he want to do with Haiti otherwise we will be prepare to chase and Hunt down all ex-Haitian army terrorist group who kept terrorized Haitian people we will not give them a chance because we are the united states of America we have the biggest army in the world we will ask President Donald Trump to restore order in Haiti about Ex-Haitian army in uniforms walking in the street killing people to protect Jovenel Moise this is a wake up call Mr Jovenel Moise is a son of Francois Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier there are no different well we won’t take no bullshit from him he will take us half an hour to take him out of power we want him to join Guy Philippe in Miami he knew what’s going on.

  2. Soon is better.For 5 years, Michel Martelly did a massive distribution of equipments to his gang killers, like motorcycles,machine guns,uniforms,sticks and so on in sight of everyone, wherever he went all over Haiti, but none asks him where did he got the money to do so? Senators and congressmen did not say anything about. So why this silence of misuse of the country money by a foreclosured president months before he sworn as a puppet president of a disband country? Is the international community was behind him to allow him to act this way? Why he picked someone how is avery well known as corrupted person to present to the Americans to take and kidnap power and to prepare his returned after him? Under Martelly administration, all the countries involved in drug traffic all over the american continent have signed with Haiti.And you can see that the corruption in the rule in Haiti now.Jovenel Moise has to explain where did he got all the funds to create so many companies and how he received so many loans from the banks at a time that the economy of Haiti is so criticaled? What about petro-caribe funds usage and management? Why the justice system can not function in Haiti? Haiti is the main danger for America today.If can read between lines, you would discover that Jovenel Moise he the defense attorney for Venezuela administration, Iran, and all other countries in conflict with the USA.W e can not take too much risk with Jovenel administration around us.His return from the UN annual assembly was a scandal in Haiti.He took his gangs to walk on the streets to affray his opponents.The National Palace released pictures he had taken with the president of USA to send that he is authorized to act however he wants in Haiti because his administration is well connected over here.That way, he has the right to kill people, to still public funds, to manage drug funds, to arrest people, to do whatever he wants, as he already announced from the Airport that he is going to take more hardest decision against the interest of the citizens of Haiti.He eridge him as a new Francois Duvalier as he prime minister is another Dr Roger Lafontant.And we know their histories about what they did in Haiti? So let stop the danger before it is too late.The presence of China in Haiti is deep and Jovenel Moise declares to the Nouvelliste that he does not have any idea about, what an insult to the nation and the rest of the world?For all these reasons, we have the duty to stop terrorism in Haiti quick.


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