26 juillet 2024


Textes publiés en anglais

Actualités English Société

Globalize the Haitian banking system through international branches serving as community cafés and banking hubs

Democratizing and decentralizing the Haitian banking system by extending its reach from Haiti to the global market, particularly in countries where Haitians are present, would facilitate financial inclusion and strengthen economic ties between Haitians in the diaspora and those at home. I propose establishing Haitian bank offices in all countries in which Haitians live to

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Actualités Élections English Société

L’ambassadeur Patrick Gaspard réagit aux remarques du président Obama suite au retrait du président Biden de la course à la Maison Blanche

L’haitiano-américain Patrick Gaspard, ancien ambassadeur des États-Unis en Afrique du Sud, a réagi aux remarques de l’ancien président Barack Obama après l’annonce du président Joe Biden qu’il ne cherche plus à briguer un second mandat présidentiel. Les commentaires de M. Gaspard soulignent comment M. Obama a trouvé les mots justes pour honorer le bilan historique

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Actualités Cas d'assassinat English Société

Transcript of President Joe Biden’s full remarks on Saturday and Sunday following the shooting of Donald Trump

Biden Asks America to ‘Lower the Temperature’ After Trump Shooting The White House provided this transcript of Biden’s remarks on Saturday night: Thanks for coming, folks.  I’ve been thoroughly briefed by all the agencies in the federal government as to the situation, based on what we know now. I have tried to get a hold

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Actualités Diplomatie English Insécurité|Kidnapping Société

Haitian Conservative Network (HCN) expresses support for President Trump following assassination attempt

Haitian Conservative Network Voices Strong Support for Trump Post-Attack In a somber turn of events, the nation grapples with the shocking news of an assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump. On July 13, 2024, during a rally in Butler, PA, a deranged individual targeted the 45th and prospective 47th President of the United States.

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Acte de l'Indépendance d'Haiti Actualités English Esclavage Pages d'Histoire d'Haiti PHTK autorise l'occupation du pays Société

Haiti: Vote on BINUH Mandate Renewal

Friday morning (12 July), the Security Council is expected to vote on a draft resolution renewing the mandate of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) for another year, until 15 July 2025. Ecuador and the US, the co-penholders on Haiti, authored the text. Background Haiti continues to face a multidimensional security, humanitarian, and human rights crisis

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