Haïti : Un officiel de la Floride dénonce les fraudes électorales dans une lettre à John Kerry!

Alerté par les membres du Parti PAC (Plan d`Action Citoyenne) résidant aux États-Unis, un représentant au Congrès de la Floride, Alcee Hastings a adressé une correspondance au Secrétaire d’état américain , John Kerry, pour lui faire part de ses préoccupations au sujet de la crise électorale en Haïti.
Le parlementaire démocrate en a profité pour attirer l`attention de Kerry sur les cas de fraudes et d`irrégularités qui ont marqué les élections du 25 octobre 2015 et exhorte le gouvernement américain à soutenir en Haïti la mise en place de solides institutions démocratiques.



  1. Fraudulent elections is nothing new in haiti if anything it is happening less.the irregularities were not specific to one candidate it was rather generalized. postponing the election will worsen the situation .The inclination for my people to resort to electoral fraud is etched in the national psyche.This penchant for electoral frauds will take generations to lessen measurably.Cultural change is not changed overnight these things take time….hopefully it won’t get worsen before it gets better

  2. People from all branches of the Haitian Society are protesting against the scandalous and fraudulent elections which they call a masquerade. Only the government, the CORE group and the discredited Electoral Council (CEP) insist that the results of these elections can be salvaged. How insulting to identify the courageous Haitian people with a group of bandits heavily armed, who did not hesitate to kill to openly steal the elections to defend governmental interests. Are you an expert in Psychology? Please take a second look and you will see in whose psyche ‘the inclination …to resort to electoral fraud’ is very deeply etched. You can’t miss it. As long as it is not happening in their country, it is fine.
    Yes fraudulent elections is not new in Haiti, again take a look behind the scenes and find out who ‘selected’ the actual president. It was not the Haitian people. The Haitian people deserves free and fair elections and they are fighting to get just that. It is their constitutional right. The selection that just took place should not be imposed on them. I command Mr. Hasting for the stand he took for Justice and Democracy, which should not be privileges reserved to a few countries, but the rights of all people,

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