Finding a Haitian Solution with the Full integration and the participation of the Haitian Diaspora


Finding a Haitian Solution with the Full integration and the participation of the Haitian Diaspora

This gathering is focus only on governability.

We heard many called for a Haitian Solution. If it is so, let us explore the feasibility in finding a Haitian Solution with the full integration and the participation of the Haitian Diaspora

I do not do stuff on emotion or on everyday news. We believe in sitting together, talking it out, discuss thing and plan together, and finally, execute by the book. 

I am not good in anticipation but proper planning. 

A) How this process will work?

You are going to ask these ententes when the best time they can attend a planned meeting.  What do you see right at the beginning? We do not choose a date but the various Ententes. It is a sign of respect.

Your job is to contact the decision maker of each of the ententes and let them know that each shall send no more than three (3) people

How do you go to select the people in the Diaspora? It is a one billion dollars question, it is doable. Canada shall send 3, the US 6, France and Europe 5, DR 2, the Caribbean 3 and so on.

Dr. King stated: “When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative.”

All of you shall sit down and discuss openly and honestly the future of the country.

1) CESOC –          2) PEN – PROTOCOL D’ENTENTE NATIONAL                        3) ACCORD ARIEL HENRY

4) MONTANA ACCORD                 5) ACCORD LARI A                          6) ACCORD KONTRA PEP LA


9) Chemin Délivrance                    10) La Famille Lavalasse                              11) La Diaspora Haïtienne

Site and Location: Wherever we live! It will be near a transit system  

We can assist in bringing all the protagonists together in a gathering that can salvage what we have left. If you want a Haitian Solution, it comes with a price and you have to pay for it. You have to be willing to listen and you need to learn how to work collaboratively. 
Haitian experts in the field of truth and Reconciliation and conflict resolution will do a few workshops on truth and Reconciliation; forgiveness. Keep in mind that the rule of two feet is always present.
Are you interested to take part; then, An initial registration fee via Cash App or Zelle. In addition, you need to pay for the lodging and transportation for those who cannot afford the travel cost. 

Remember these three words: Qui finance dirige!The first Zoom meeting to begin the planning process will take place when 50 or more people pay the registration fee. It is for my time!  ======================
Surround yourself with positive people.
Regardless of what you may be going through right now, always plan for a better tomorrow.
Joseph AlfredBoston, Massachusetts


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