7 septembre 2024
« Sickening and heartbreaking … how elections are disputed in a banana republic, » ex-President Bush says of Trump-inspired riots
Actualités Diplomatie Élections English Santé Société

« Sickening and heartbreaking … how elections are disputed in a banana republic, » ex-President Bush says of Trump-inspired riots

Haïti est actuellement l’exemple concret d’une république bananière – repiblik banann – avec ses autorités qui posent des actes défiant la Constitution et les lois établies, et en dépit de tout, continuent d’obtenir le plein support de l’administration Trump, celui de l’ONU, l’OEA, le Core Group…

Mercredi 6 janvier 2021 ((rezonodwes.com))– Former President George W. Bush issued a stunning rebuke of President Trump and his supporters on Wednesday, saying rioting he encouraged at the U.S. Capitol are “sickening and heartbreaking” and “how elections are disputed in banana republic — not our democratic republic.”

While Bush does not mention President Trump by name, there is a clear reference in his statement to both Trump and other Republican officials when the former president said:

« I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. »

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