$900-billion COVID-19 stimulus package : Trump asks Congress to raise the checks from $600 to $2,000


Le Président Trump menace de recourir à son droit de veto sur le projet de loi d’aide COVID pour ce qu’il considère comme un montant dérisoire d’aide directe et d’inclusion de financement pour des programmes sans rapport.

Il exige que les Américains reçoivent 2 000 dollars chacun dans le cadre de nouveau projet de loi.

Mardi 22 décembre 2020 ((rezonodwes.com))–On Tuesday, the President Donald Trump has asked Congress to amend the COVID-19 stimulus package. One of his demands is that Congress raises the stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000.

Following months of delays, both the House and the Senate late Monday gave the green light to a $900-billion COVID-19 relief package as part of a $2.3-trillion government spending and economic relief bill on Monday.

The bill, which is 5,593 pages long, will need President Donald Trump’s signature before becoming law. The COVID-19 portion of the bill would provide direct payments and jobless aid to struggling Americans and funds for small businesses, hospitals, schools and vaccine distribution, while the $1.4-trillion government spending portion will be used to fund federal agencies through fiscal 2021.


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