Haiti-Crise : Les États-Unis prônent des solutions consensuelles et constructives

The entrance of the main offices of the United States Department of State located on C St in Washington, DC. which was recently named the Harry S. Truman Building. (Photo by Greg Mathieson/Mai/Mai/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Le Gouvernement des États-Unis déclare soutenir les efforts visant à trouver des solutions consensuelles et constructives en vue de l’aboutissement du processus électoral et des résultats qui reflètent la volonté du peuple haïtien conformément aux lois haïtiennes et à la constitution en vigueur.
Les États Unis condamnent les violences, intimidations et destructions de biens et de concert avec la communauté internationale invitent le Gouvernement d’Haïti, les institutions et les acteurs politiques à rejeter la violence et prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires en vue d’ouvrir la voie à une élection pacifique pour l`établissement d`un nouveau Président et de nouveaux Députés et Sénateurs pour les sièges manquants au Parlement.

Élections in Haïti

Press Statement

Mark C. Toner
Deputy Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 24, 2016

The United States supports all efforts aimed at finding consensual and constructive solutions that will conclude the electoral process expeditiously with an outcome that reflects the will of the Haitian people, consistent with Haitian law and the Haitian constitution.

Electoral intimidation, destruction of property, and violence are unacceptable, and run counter to Haiti’s democratic principles and laws as well as the values expressed in the Inter American Democratic Charter. The United States, along with the international community in Haiti, urges the Government of Haiti, its institutions, and political actors alike to reject violence and take all steps necessary to pave the way for a peaceful election for a new president and the remaining Parliamentary seats as is constitutionally mandated. As in the past, the United States is taking great interest in how elections in Haiti are unfolding and expects that persons responsible for organizing, financing, or participating in electoral intimidation and violence will be held accountable in accordance with Haitian law.

The United States reaffirms its support for credible, transparent, and secure elections that reflect the will of the Haitian people.


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