8 septembre 2024
Etats-Unis – Le Congrès approuve un projet de loi de $1 500 milliards dont $13,6 milliards « pour soutenir le peuple ukrainien » envahi par les russes
Actualités Russie-Ukraine Société

Etats-Unis – Le Congrès approuve un projet de loi de $1 500 milliards dont $13,6 milliards « pour soutenir le peuple ukrainien » envahi par les russes


Jeudi 10 mars 2022 ((rezonodwes.com))–Le Sénat a adopté jeudi soir une loi budgétaire de 1 500 milliards de dollars pour financer le gouvernement fédéral jusqu’à la fin du mois de septembre. The Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022, allouant un financement d’urgence de 13,6 milliards de dollars pour soutenir le peuple ukrainien et défendre la démocratie mondiale à la suite de l’invasion de la Russie, a été également approuvé.

Le projet de loi comprend un financement d’urgence demandé par la Maison Blanche pour fournir une assistance humanitaire et sécuritaire à l’Ukraine dans le cadre de l’invasion brutale de la Russie.

Ce vote représente une avancée significative après que le Congrès a dû adopter trois mesures de financement provisoires pour maintenir le gouvernement ouvert au cours des cinq derniers mois.

La Chambre a adopté le projet de loi sur le budget mercredi avant de suspendre ses travaux pour la retraite annuelle des démocrates.

Répartition du nouveau budget adopté jeudi soir :

Title I – Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related

Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service – $100 million for Food for Peace grants to support in-kind agricultural commodity donations for food assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees.

Title II – Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security – $22.1 million to support
economic and trade
-based analysis, enforcement, and coordination with partners on Russian and American vulnerabilities related to global trade and export ramifications of the conflict inUkraine.

Department of Justice (DOJ) – $59.4 million, including:
• $9.7 million for General Legal Activities to enable the Criminal and Tax Divisions to
support the DOJ Ukraine Task Force in addressing cybercrime threats and ransomware
cases, and to trace and seize the proceeds of crime including cryptocurrency.
• $5 million for United States Attorneys to support the DOJ Ukraine Task Force in
prosecuting sanctions violators and developing data analytics to address complex
sanctions cases.
• $1.1 million for the National Security Division to support DOJ Ukraine Task Force work
on export control, sanctions, and cyber cases related to the conflict.
• $43.6 million for the Federal Bureau of Investigation for investigative and operational
response to cyber threats; counterintelligence activities; cryptocurrency activities; and
investigative support, including the establishment of a second Kleptocracy Asset
Recovery Initiative (KARI) Team to focus on violations of Russian sanctions.

Title III – Defense

Department of Defense – $6.528 billion, including:
• $3.028 billion for European Command operations mission support, the deployment of
personnel to the region, and intelligence support.
• $3.5 billion to replenish US stocks of equipment sent to Ukraine through drawdown.

Title IV – Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies
Department of Energy – $30 million to support integrating Ukraine’s electric grid with the
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity

Title V – Financial Services and General Government
Department of the Treasury – $61 million, including:

 $25 million for the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence for additional staff and
contractors for policy development, sanctions targeting, economic analysis, intelligence,
operations, and support.
 $17 million for Departmental Offices to support policy offices involved in coordinated
response for Ukraine task forces.
 $19 million for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) to support
development, coordination, implementation, and enforcement of targeted financial

Title VI – State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
Department of State – $3.972 billion, including:

 $1.4 billion for Migration and Refugee Assistance to provide humanitarian support for
refugee outflows from Ukraine.
 $1.12 billion for Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia to flexibly respond to
either macroeconomic needs in Ukraine, continuity of government efforts such as energy
and cyber security, or needs in neighboring countries. AEECA authorities are aligned to
needs of this region.
 $650 million for the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Program to provide additional
support for Ukraine and countries affected by the situation in Ukraine, including NATO
Eastern flank countries and other partners in the region, to build their capacity and deter
further Russian aggression.
 $647 million for the Economic Support Fund to flexibly respond to either
macroeconomic needs in Ukraine, continuity of government efforts such as energy and
cyber security or needs in neighboring countries.
 $125 million for Diplomatic Programs to maintain American Citizen services, support
operations that have had to vacate Ukraine, and increase State Department capacity to
target the assets of oligarchs and combat cyberattacks.
 $30 million for International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement for Ukraine
programming to address rule of law and law enforcement programs.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – $2.795 billion, including:
 $2.65 billion for International Disaster Assistance to provide emergency food assistance,
health care, and urgent support for vulnerable populations and communities inside
Ukraine and in the region.
 $120 million for Transition Initiatives to provide support for public messaging and
engagement, support activists, journalists, and independent media, and promote
accountability for Russian human rights violations.
 $25 million for Operating Expenses to support operations that have had to move from
U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) – $25 million to combat disinformation and maintain
communication links for independent information for Ukraine.
Department of State Inspector General – $4 million to provide oversight of emergency funds
and operations of the Department of State.
USAID Inspector General – $4 million to provide oversight of emergency funds and operations
Increased Authorities – The legislation includes $3 billion in authority to drawdown defense
articles and services and increased flexibility to transfer excess defense equipment for Ukraine
and other regional allies.

Title VII – General Provisions
Technical budgetary provisions

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