You did 1804 alone, you did 1986 alone and you are going to do 2021 alone


You did 1804 alone, you did 1986 alone and you are going to do 2021 alone and start the Rebuilding Process

by Joseph Alfred

Saturday February 6, 2021 ((– My Haitian brothers and sisters, it is not the first time nor the last time that you will have to resolve your problem on your own. You did 1804 alone, you did 1986 alone and you are going to do 2021 alone. 

On May 18, 1803, our ancestors joined hands together and formed a Union at Arcahais. Six months later, they fought, and they won the Battle of Vertière, the mother of all battles.Our ancestors had shown us that we cannot win a war alone but together we can put our resources, skills and abilities to win the economic and the social wars.
Mandela stated: « It always seems impossible until it’s done. »

You have been living in the Diaspora for over 4 decades and you have said stuffs that you were not supposed to. Today, Haiti is in a lamentable condition, it needs the assistance of all of its children. All, without exception. 

Dr. King stated: « We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. » Martin Luther King Jr. US black civil rights leader & clergyman (1929 – 1968)

We are all brothers and sisters, we all want to change the dire condition of our country. 

In our backyard, we do not rush in anything, we balance our worktime, family time and civic time and deliver together something unique, something to remember.


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