27 juillet 2024


Textes publiés en anglais

Actualités English Société

Sights and scenes from Thursday, June 27 anti-government protests in Nairobi Central Business District

Vues et scènes des manifestations antigouvernementales du jeudi 27 juin au centre du quartier des affaires de Nairobi.

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Actualités Cas d'assassinat English Société

CNN – Kenya : Bodies seen on the streets as Kenyan police fire live rounds at protesters

Kenyan police fired live rounds at demonstrators in Nairobi Tuesday as outrage swelled against a controversial finance bill that has sparked widespread protests. A CNN team witnessed the disturbing scenes and observed two bodies lying motionless on the ground. The ceremonial mace was also stolen from Kenya’s parliament as protesters stormed the assembly during anti-tax protests which turned

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Actualités English Société

Transforming haitian national banks into investment powerhouses to lift the country out of poverty

The National Bank of Credit (BNC) and the Haitian People’s Bank (BPH) operate as traditional commercial banks, offering customers standard banking services and products. This approach hinders economic development because it diverts government resources to maintain these institutions instead of fostering growth. The Haitian government needs to transform these banks into investment institutions that attract

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Actualités English Migrants Société

White House – President Biden Announces New Actions to Keep Families Together

L’annonce par le président Biden d’une série de mesures visant à renforcer la sécurité aux frontières des États-Unis tout en promouvant l’unité familiale et l’intégration des immigrants de longue durée. En voici les grandes lignes : L’objectif global est de trouver un équilibre entre la sécurité nationale et l’humanisme, en permettant aux familles de rester

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Actualités Cas d'assassinat English Société

Kenya courtroom shootout kills police officer, injures judge

Judge and Court Staff Injured in Nairobi Courtroom Shooting by Police Officer Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti shot by officer raise concerns about judicial security A judge in Nairobi, Kenya, was injured on Thursday when a police officer opened fire in a courtroom, also wounding three court employees. The officer was subsequently killed, leaving the courtroom

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