26 juillet 2024


Textes publiés en anglais

Actualités Cas d'assassinat Corruption English Insécurité|Kidnapping Intempéries Ouragan Séisme Société

The Week : Gangs in Haiti are abducting doctors, and their patients are paying the price

Les ravisseurs réclament US$ 500 000 pour libérer les médecins. Vendredi 20 août 2021 ((rezonodwes.com))– One of the few orthopedic surgeons in Haiti was abducted by gang members Wednesday in Port-au-Prince, leaving dozens of patients injured during Saturday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake without anyone to treat them. The victim, Dr. Workens Alexandre, works at the Bernard Mevs

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Actualités English Société

Nation building is the answer!

By Jean H Charles Vendredi 20 août 2021 ((rezonodwes.com))– For the initiated the coincidence is not unusual. Pay attention to the eye of August it is more piercing and much more malevolent than the eye of March. Indeed is seems the month of August carry all the bad omen that did not come during the

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Actualités Corruption English Intempéries Ouragan Séisme Société

Tensions over aid grow in Haiti as quake’s deaths pass 2K. Core Group « committed to working alongside national and local authorities »

Haiti, respectivement depuis janvier et juillet 2020, n’a aucune autorité légitime élue à part les 10 sénateurs budgétivores. Ariel Henry, quoiqu’on dise et fasse, est simplement un usurpateur de fonction à l’instar du chef des Talibans s’emparant illégalement et inconstitutionnellement le pouvoir à Kaboul. The slow pace of aid reaching victims of a powerful weekend

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Actualités English Société

Armed Taliban enter Kabul, seek transfer of power as U.S. evacuates from Afghan capital

KABUL — Armed Taliban fighters entered Afghanistan’s capital on Sunday, a spokesman for the group said, as the U.S. rushed to evacuate all personnel two decades after toppling the militant regime. Just months after President Joe Biden announced the full withdrawal of U.S. forces, the militant group’s rapid advance across the country had left the Afghan government on the brink of collapse. U.S.

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Actualités Economie English Société

The $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill passes the US Senate

The bipartisan infrastructure bill passed today will help people and communities across the country access high-speed, affordable broadband, creating immense opportunities. Washington, mardi 10 août 2021 ((rezonodwes.com))–After months of negotiation, the Senate voted 69-30 to pass the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan, $550 billion of which is new funding for transportation, broadband and utilities. Nineteen

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