Haïti | What’s going on ? Carol Brutus writes to U.S. Department of State


Why can’t anyone see what is going on in Haiti? A letter to Department of State from Carol Brutus, director of Vision 2040 Haiti

Mercredi 17 mars 2021 ((rezonodwes.com))–

Office of Haitian Affairs

Department of State
Harry S Truman Building 2201 C Street Northwest, 
Washington, D.C

I am writing this email today to urgently call on DOS to act now to protect lives and the Haitian people facing grave concerns of being killed or slaughtered by the regime and its associated gangs and to stop supporting the system of government. murderer in Haiti.

In any country in the world where the population is being tortured, killed, massacred, murdered, the United States is always the first to condemn any government actions and oppressions against its people, when it comes to Haiti, the United States are silenced, that behavior is complicit and discriminatory.

Why does the United States still refuse to condemn the regime in Haiti?Why the United States continues to support the regime?

We all know that every government officials in the past 12 years had committed crimes against humanity or financial crimes, massacres, targeted killings, money laundering or transnational crimes, for which the United States punishes people, but these politicians and businessmen continue to live freely on American soil like a king, with the money stolen from Haitians and some former government officials who continue to collect bribes from gangs and use these gangs to promote their political ideology.

The US Secretary of State is busy these days punishing people in other countries who do much less than the Haitian regime but do not nothing in Haiti, refusing to sanction these criminals giving them more power.

Where is the American ambassador to Haiti? Where is the so-called Core Group? In the past, they were the first to talk about any problem concerning Haiti, for 12 years they locked up their unconditional support for the regime.

Their absence proves their unconditional support for a regime that no Haitian wants.The credibility of the United States is at stake, I am calling once again on the United States to urgently sanction all Haitian officials for their involvement in the crisis in Haiti and be on the right side of history.

Please act now to protect the Haitian people as the 1994 crisis in Rwanda repeats itself, but this time in Haiti.

Mr. Carol Brutus
Vision 2040 Haiti, Director
Community Organizer

P.O. BOX 242
Bloomington, MN 55423www.vision2040.org


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